Online Auction 010 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture

Map of Eretz Israel – Denmark, 1902

Opening: $600
Kaart over Palæstina, drawing and a lithograph: Krarup Vilstrup and F. Christiani. Published by M.M. Schultz's Forlag, Aalburg, Denmark, [1902]. Danish.
Wall map of Eretz Israel. Markings in different colors showing the borders of the country in various historic periods. Two small maps on the lower right corner – Jerusalem in the days of Jesus and the Sinai Peninsula with the stations of the Israelites in the desert.
Approx. 110X80 cm. Fair-poor condition. Wear. Tears, open tears. The map is torn almost along all of the folding marks. Linen-backed for display and preservation. The linen is torn as well.
Not recorded in Laor.
Travels in Palestine, Maps, Postcards, Photography and Graphics
Travels in Palestine, Maps, Postcards, Photography and Graphics