Auction 30 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
Manuscript, Verses and Blessings for circumcision (Brit Milah) – Germany
Opening: $200
Sold for: $350
Including buyer's premium
Manuscript, verses and blessing to be said at a circumcision (Brit Milah). [Germany?, beginning of 20th century].
Verses of VeCharot Imo HaBrit from the song said at the Red Sea, concluding with the verse of Shma Yisrael, the blessing that the father makes at the time of the Brit Milah, and the blessing "Just as he entered the brit…".
Handsome scribal writing on thick paper. The text is written with alternating black and red ink, to differentiate between that which is said by the mohel and that which is said by the sandek, according to the custom brought by the poskim.
* Attached is a typewritten leaf, with the version of the father's blessing in Latin letters.
[7] pages. 18.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Wine and use stains, ink spread in several places. Bound with cover, front protective leaf is detached.
Verses of VeCharot Imo HaBrit from the song said at the Red Sea, concluding with the verse of Shma Yisrael, the blessing that the father makes at the time of the Brit Milah, and the blessing "Just as he entered the brit…".
Handsome scribal writing on thick paper. The text is written with alternating black and red ink, to differentiate between that which is said by the mohel and that which is said by the sandek, according to the custom brought by the poskim.
* Attached is a typewritten leaf, with the version of the father's blessing in Latin letters.
[7] pages. 18.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Wine and use stains, ink spread in several places. Bound with cover, front protective leaf is detached.
Circumcision Record-Books ("Pinkas Mohel")
Circumcision Record-Books ("Pinkas Mohel")