Auction 44 - Judaica: Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Manuscript, Seder Birkat Rechava - Consolation of Mourners, Hakafot for the Deceased, Blessings and Prayers

Opening: $250
Sold for: $313
Including buyer's premium
Manuscript, Seder Birkat Rechava Shakla. [Baghdad, or its region, early 20th century].
All pages are framed with linear borders. Manuscript includes: Blessings for Consolation of Mourners [Birkat Rechava version, as cited in Ketubot tractate 8,B]; Justification of Death; Order of Seven Encirclements (Hakafot) of Deceased, with liturgical poems “Hineh Makom Vehineh Nachalah”, “Kana Malon Hineh Beit Menuchah”, “Aseifat Shalom Tehei Aseifatcha” and “He’asfu Adat Netzurim Ke’ishon”; version for burial of woman; laying children to rest; and prayer to recite upon visiting a cemetery after thirty days.
26 pages. 18 cm. Fair condition, wear and tear on leaf margins. New binding.
Manuscripts - Scholars from the East
Manuscripts - Scholars from the East