Auction 100 – Important Hebrew Manuscripts and Books from the Victor (Avigdor) Klagsbald Collection

Manuscript, Machzor for Three Festivals and Fast Days, Carpentras Rite – Provence, 16th Century

Opening: $8,000
Estimate: $12,000 - $20,000
Sold for: $15,000
Including buyer's premium

Manuscript, machzor for three festivals and fast days, according to the rite of the communities of Carpentras and southern France. [Provence, latter half of 16th century].
Sephardic (Provençal) semi-cursive script, vocalized. Decorations above headers on several page.
Contains piyyutim for the three festivals and the fast days, without the regular prayers. Contains Hoshanot and the order for Simchat Torah night, as well as Azharot for Shavuot – Shemor Libi Maaneh by R. Shimon son of Tzemach Duran (Rashbatz), and LeMinchat HaErev for both days of Shavuot, by "Mestre Petit de Nyons", i.e. R. Yitzchak son of R. Mordechai Kimchi; LeIsh Musar Ani Mivtzar – Yoshev Naaneh Shir Chadash Aneh; and Lu Yesayaacha El VeYagiacha – Ani Pi Melech Shemor. Melodies are noted at the beginning of some piyyutim.
Endpapers and several pages contain a later copying of piyyutim and ownership inscriptions, including: "Yehudah David Vidal" (a Carpentras-rite siddur for Rosh Hashanah written in 1719, "made for my relative R. Yehudah David Vidal son of Azriel Vidal…", is found in JTS Ms. 3307); "Joseph de la Vogue" (or Yosef Cremieux), of Carpentras.

[182] leaves (including several blank pages). 19 cm. Fair-good condition. Stains. Browning of paper. Open tears from ink erosion to several leaves, affecting text. New leather binding.

One of the earliest known manuscripts attesting to this rite. Most known manuscripts are dated to the 17th and 18th centuries.

Watermarks on paper resemble Briquet index no. 4417, dated 1565; and no. 4418, dated 1589 (see enclosed material).

French Jewry – Manuscripts and Books
French Jewry – Manuscripts and Books