Auction 48 - Rare and Important Items
Manuscript – Several Compositions, by the Sage and Physician R' YitzchakIsaac Wallach – Germany, Beginning of 18th Century – Illustrationsof the Mishkan, Chochmat HaPartzuf, and more
Opening: $12,000
Sold for: $15,000
Including buyer's premium
Pi Shnayim, a large impressive manuscript, collection of compositions by Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac son of R' Shimon Wallach, the physician from Dessau, disciple of the author of Shev Ya'akov. [Germany, c. 1703-1720, beginning of the 18th century].
Thick volume containing several halachic and aggadic works with a separate name for each composition. The general name given to the compositions is Pi Shnayim (written on the title page of the volume: Pi Shnayim – Volume Three). Among the compositions: Commentary of Breita Melechet HaMishkan, with illustrations; composition on Chochmat HaPartzuf and matters pertaining to body and soul according to "Chochmei HaEmet" (Kabbalah) and Midrashei Chazal; article about "amulets and incantations"; article about the Exodus from Egypt in gematriot; etc. Various letters and missives appear at the end of the volume.
Following are the details of the content of the manuscript:
· The first composition – Chochmat Lev – remarkable commentary on the Breita Melechet HaMishkan written by Rabbi Menachem Menlin Wallach – the uncle of Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Wallach, completed with a composition written by Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac himself. The composition by Rabbi Menachem Menlin is named Terumat HaKodesh and Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac's composition is called Terumah Chadasha. At the beginning of the composition are two detailed title pages, signed "Yitzchak Isaac son of R' Shimon Rofe Wallach", in 1711. This composition contains illustrations of the construction of the Mishkan.
· The second composition – Chochmat HaPartzuf according to Kabbalah, sources in Chazal and the Zohar, and various matters related to the connection between body and soul. The composition includes information about the body structure and form, characteristics and personality traits, the spirit, etc. The author combines extensive Torah knowledge with his understanding of nature and medicine. The work is divided into Ma'amarim, each containing several chapters. The names of the Ma'amarim are: Tzelem Elokim, Demut Adam, Kutnot Or, Dodi Tzach V'Adom, Rosho Ketem Paz, Dagul M'Revava and Ner Hashem.
In Dagul M’Revava and Rosho Ketem Paz, the author writes at length about Chochmat HaPartzuf. To illustrate his teachings, he glued to the manuscript many etchings by Picart, illustrsating faces [from the book “Caracteres des passions gravés par Bernard Picart sur les desseins de Mr. le Brun, Amsterdam”, ca. 1713]. Each of the illustrations is accompanied by a French caption and additional explanations by the author in Hebrew. Another printed leaf with illustrations of profiles is bound with the manuscript, apparently also from a book of research on this subject.
Additional compositions: The volume contains several additional compositions, as well as articles and letters bound together with the manuscript.
For a partial list, please see Hebrew description.
The author, Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac son of R’ Shimon Wallach the physician was born in Koblenz. [The Wallach family was a well-known family of renowned physicians; some were also great Torah scholars]. From the letters that appear in this volume we glean that Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Wallach studied medicine in the city of Halle around 1703 and worked as a physician in the city of Dessau. Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac was also ordained for the rabbinate and was a disciple of Rabbi Ya’akov HaCohen, author of Shev Ya’akov from whom he received a writ granting him the title Chaver and later semicha for the rabbinate. The Shev Ya’akov responsa (Siman 16) includes a long halachic question from “my young and small disciple Yitzchak called Isaac Wallach…”. The author of Shev Ya’akov praises him and refers to him with loving titles in his writings. In the letter of semicha his Torah knowledge is also praised. This manuscript also attests to the exceptional Torah wisdom of Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac as well as his knowledge in other areas. An article written by him in 1697 in Koblenz on Sefer Ilem by Yosef Shlomo Dalmidego, Yashar of Candia, was printed in the Odessa 1864 edition (page 180).
[212] written leaves (and many more empty leaves). 20 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains and wear. Detached leaves. Contemporary binding, detached, damaged and worn.
Thick volume containing several halachic and aggadic works with a separate name for each composition. The general name given to the compositions is Pi Shnayim (written on the title page of the volume: Pi Shnayim – Volume Three). Among the compositions: Commentary of Breita Melechet HaMishkan, with illustrations; composition on Chochmat HaPartzuf and matters pertaining to body and soul according to "Chochmei HaEmet" (Kabbalah) and Midrashei Chazal; article about "amulets and incantations"; article about the Exodus from Egypt in gematriot; etc. Various letters and missives appear at the end of the volume.
Following are the details of the content of the manuscript:
· The first composition – Chochmat Lev – remarkable commentary on the Breita Melechet HaMishkan written by Rabbi Menachem Menlin Wallach – the uncle of Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Wallach, completed with a composition written by Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac himself. The composition by Rabbi Menachem Menlin is named Terumat HaKodesh and Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac's composition is called Terumah Chadasha. At the beginning of the composition are two detailed title pages, signed "Yitzchak Isaac son of R' Shimon Rofe Wallach", in 1711. This composition contains illustrations of the construction of the Mishkan.
· The second composition – Chochmat HaPartzuf according to Kabbalah, sources in Chazal and the Zohar, and various matters related to the connection between body and soul. The composition includes information about the body structure and form, characteristics and personality traits, the spirit, etc. The author combines extensive Torah knowledge with his understanding of nature and medicine. The work is divided into Ma'amarim, each containing several chapters. The names of the Ma'amarim are: Tzelem Elokim, Demut Adam, Kutnot Or, Dodi Tzach V'Adom, Rosho Ketem Paz, Dagul M'Revava and Ner Hashem.
In Dagul M’Revava and Rosho Ketem Paz, the author writes at length about Chochmat HaPartzuf. To illustrate his teachings, he glued to the manuscript many etchings by Picart, illustrsating faces [from the book “Caracteres des passions gravés par Bernard Picart sur les desseins de Mr. le Brun, Amsterdam”, ca. 1713]. Each of the illustrations is accompanied by a French caption and additional explanations by the author in Hebrew. Another printed leaf with illustrations of profiles is bound with the manuscript, apparently also from a book of research on this subject.
Additional compositions: The volume contains several additional compositions, as well as articles and letters bound together with the manuscript.
For a partial list, please see Hebrew description.
The author, Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac son of R’ Shimon Wallach the physician was born in Koblenz. [The Wallach family was a well-known family of renowned physicians; some were also great Torah scholars]. From the letters that appear in this volume we glean that Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Wallach studied medicine in the city of Halle around 1703 and worked as a physician in the city of Dessau. Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac was also ordained for the rabbinate and was a disciple of Rabbi Ya’akov HaCohen, author of Shev Ya’akov from whom he received a writ granting him the title Chaver and later semicha for the rabbinate. The Shev Ya’akov responsa (Siman 16) includes a long halachic question from “my young and small disciple Yitzchak called Isaac Wallach…”. The author of Shev Ya’akov praises him and refers to him with loving titles in his writings. In the letter of semicha his Torah knowledge is also praised. This manuscript also attests to the exceptional Torah wisdom of Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac as well as his knowledge in other areas. An article written by him in 1697 in Koblenz on Sefer Ilem by Yosef Shlomo Dalmidego, Yashar of Candia, was printed in the Odessa 1864 edition (page 180).
[212] written leaves (and many more empty leaves). 20 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains and wear. Detached leaves. Contemporary binding, detached, damaged and worn.
Rare and Important Items
Rare and Important Items