Auction 22 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters

Manuscript – Halachic Ruling – Italy, C. 19th Century

Opening: $300
Manuscript, lengthy Halachic ruling pertaining to marital relations. [Italy, c. 1808].
Lengthy pamphlet by one of the rabbis of Italy. Contains a lengthy response on a Halachic polemic regarding marital relations from the year 1808. At the beginning of the pamphlet the author mentions the “virtue of the scholar David” and “the Moharich” [initials] who disagreed regarding the issue, and he relates: “The Moharich [initials] granted me permission to study the matter to the best of my comprehension and to relate this before his majesty… “. The Moharich who is mentioned is apparently the Ga’on Rabbi Yishma’el HaCohen (1723-1811), among the leading scholars of Italy, Av Beit Din of Medena, author of Zera Emet Responsa.
[13] written pages. 11 cm. Good condition, stains.
Italian Jewry – Letters, Manuscripts and Books
Italian Jewry – Letters, Manuscripts and Books