Auction 14 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
Machzors – Hamburg / Homburg / Altona
Opening: $250
Sold for: $450
Including buyer's premium
1. Machzor, Ashkenazi rite. Homburg, [1737]. First volume only, daily and Shabbat prayers, Yamim Nora’im and Selichot. Machzor Frankfurt am Main rite, with the additions and changes found in the other Ashkenazi customs. A few prayers and Selichot as customary in “other communities” were printed on a special leaf at the end of the Machzor. Approbation by Rabbi Ya’akov Cohen Papirsh of Prague. (Cut inscription on the title page from the city of Brussels).
2. Machzor with the Kavanot Ha-Paytan, with a German translation and the Hadrat Kodesh, as printed in London. Hamburg, [1783]. Vol. 1 only – Rosh Ha-Shana and Yom Kippur. Includes an illustrated title page. Owner’s inscription on the illustrated title page: “Chaim Segal”. Approbation by Rabbi Raphael son of Rabbi Ziskind Katz .
3. Machzor with the Kavanot Ha-Paytan, with a German translation and the Hadrat Kodesh. Hamburg, [1793]. Vol. 1 only – Rosh Ha-Shana and Yom Kippur. Includes an illustrated title page.
4-5. Machzor Mi-Kol Ha-Shana, Polish rite, organized and explained by Rabbi Zenvill Hannover. Altona, [1804]. Complete set. A handwritten paper slip was found in the first volume, next to the “El Maleh Rachamim” Yom Kippur prayer: “[for the] souls of the victims killed in the holy city of Jerusalem and in all the cities of Judea and the settlements, some of whom were leading Torah sages…”; a commemorative handwritten inscription (in memory of “our teacher and father, Yehuda Moshe son of Uri Feivel Segal…” passed away in 1841, and his wife, Shprintz, daughter of Raphael Horbleiner) appears in the second volume, before the title page. Gilded page cut. Approbations by Rabbi Zvi Hirsch [Boshko] of Zamosc and Rabbi Noah Chaim Zvi son of Rabbi Avraham Meir Berlin. Both volumes have an illustrated title page.
Varying sizes and conditions. Original bindings, some of which are leather made or have leather spines.
2. Machzor with the Kavanot Ha-Paytan, with a German translation and the Hadrat Kodesh, as printed in London. Hamburg, [1783]. Vol. 1 only – Rosh Ha-Shana and Yom Kippur. Includes an illustrated title page. Owner’s inscription on the illustrated title page: “Chaim Segal”. Approbation by Rabbi Raphael son of Rabbi Ziskind Katz .
3. Machzor with the Kavanot Ha-Paytan, with a German translation and the Hadrat Kodesh. Hamburg, [1793]. Vol. 1 only – Rosh Ha-Shana and Yom Kippur. Includes an illustrated title page.
4-5. Machzor Mi-Kol Ha-Shana, Polish rite, organized and explained by Rabbi Zenvill Hannover. Altona, [1804]. Complete set. A handwritten paper slip was found in the first volume, next to the “El Maleh Rachamim” Yom Kippur prayer: “[for the] souls of the victims killed in the holy city of Jerusalem and in all the cities of Judea and the settlements, some of whom were leading Torah sages…”; a commemorative handwritten inscription (in memory of “our teacher and father, Yehuda Moshe son of Uri Feivel Segal…” passed away in 1841, and his wife, Shprintz, daughter of Raphael Horbleiner) appears in the second volume, before the title page. Gilded page cut. Approbations by Rabbi Zvi Hirsch [Boshko] of Zamosc and Rabbi Noah Chaim Zvi son of Rabbi Avraham Meir Berlin. Both volumes have an illustrated title page.
Varying sizes and conditions. Original bindings, some of which are leather made or have leather spines.
Prayer books
Prayer books