Auction 96 Early Printed Books, Chassidut and Kabbalah, Books Printed in Jerusalem, Letters and Manuscripts
Maamar Baruch SheAsah Nisim with Two Dollar Bills for Charity, Received from the Lubavitcher Rebbe – 10th Shevat, 1991
Maamar Baruch SheAsah Nisim, with two dollar bills for charity, distributed by Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Brooklyn, New York: Kehot Publication Society, 1991. "Forty years of the Rebbe's leadership".
The discourse Baruch SheAsah Nisim was delivered by the Rebbe Rashab on Tuesday, eve of 20th Kislev 1903, and was recorded in writing by his son, the Rebbe Rayatz, with additional explanations.
The discourse was first printed in this booklet, directly from the manuscript of the Rayatz, on the occasion of 10th Shevat – the yahrzeit of the Rebbe Rayatz and the day the Lubavitcher Rebbe took on the mantle of leadership.
The booklets were distributed by the Rebbe along with two dollar bills for charity. Inscription on title page and margins of both dollar bills: "From the hand of the Rebbe".
The distribution ceremony of the present booklet is described in Kovetz LeChizuk HaHitkashrut – 29 (pp. 47-48). The Rebbe returned from the gravesite of the Rayatz and led the Maariv prayer, where the synagogue was especially crowded in anticipation of the distribution. The distribution was officially announced and took place next to the Rebbe's room for about three and a half hours.
Maamar Baruch SheAsah Nisim is a discourse by the Rebbe Rashab on the blessing SheAsah Nisim delivered in 1903. The fine binding is dated "10 Shevat, 1991". The discourse contains an in-depth explanation on the deeper meaning of the concept of miracles, and explains at length the difference between the revelation of divinity in supernatural miracles and in miracles concealed in nature, along with other foundational Chassidic concepts.
20 pages. Approx. 23 cm. Greenish wrapper. Good condition.