Auction 27 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters

Long Letter Handwritten and Signed by Rabbi Yehoshua Aharon Zvi Weinberger – The Mahariatz, Av Beit Din of Margarethen, with a Letter by Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Ullman

Opening: $8,000
A letter by the Mahariatz – Rabbi Yehoshua Aharon Zvi Weinberger Av Beit Din of Margarethen. An especially long letter, approx.50 lines, in his own handwriting and signature, to Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Ullman Av Beit Din of Makó. Margarethen, 1840.
A letter of halachic responsum on the topic of trading prohibited objects. On the letter sheet, Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Ullman copied in his handwriting the version of his responsum to the Mahariatz [the letter of the Mahariatz was printed in the book Likutei Mahariatz, p. 133. Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Ullman's letter was printed in Yeriot Shlomo Responsa, Siman 19].
Rabbi Yehoshua Aharon Zvi Weinberger (1814-1892, Otzar HaRabbanim 7654), prominent Hungarian rabbi, disciple of the author of “Sha'arei Torah” and a favorite disciple of the “Chatam Sofer”. Av Beit Din of Margarethen. Renowned as a posek, tzaddik and miracle-worker. His grandson the Maharam Brisk of Tăşnad printed some of his Torah thoughts in the book Mahariatz Responsa.
Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Ullman (1792-1863), author of “Yeriot Shlomo” Responsa, an outstanding Hungarian rabbi, appointed to the rabbinate through the efforts of the “Chatam Sofer” and served in the Makó rabbinate for decades.
Large paper sheet, 40 cm. [3] pages. Fair condition. Stains, fold marks and tears [tear with damage at the beginning of Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Ullman's letter].