Auction 99 Part 1 Avant-Garde Art and Russian Literature from the Rachel and Joseph Brindt Collection

"The Literary Work of David D. Burliuk", by Igor Postupalski - New York, 1931 - Hand-Illustrated Cover by Burliuk

Opening: $300
Литературный труд Давида Д. Бурлюка [The Literary Work of David D. Burliuk], by Igor Postupalski. New York: Издание Марии Бурлюк, 1931. Russian.
A work dealing with the life and works of the painter and poet David Burliuk (Дави́д Дави́дович Бурлю́к; 1882-1967), who is known as the father of Russian Futurism. The booklet was published as part of a series of books on the Russian avant-garde published in New York by Burliuk's wife, Maria Nikiforovna. The booklet's cover was apparently illustrated by Burliuk himself, and is bound with string.

 On the first page, a stamp and inscription of the artist's wife, Marussia Burliuk; additional stamp on paper cover: "Burliuk Gallery - Marussia Burliuk, Art Director - Hampton Bays, L. I., N.Y., U.S.A". Inscription on the last page.
[1] printed wrapper, 15, [1] pages. 32 cm. Good condition. Creases and minor tears to cover.
Books of Poetry and Prose with Artistically Designed Covers
Books of Poetry and Prose with Artistically Designed Covers