Auction 100 – Important Hebrew Manuscripts and Books from the Victor (Avigdor) Klagsbald Collection

Likutei Tefillot (Breslov) – Lviv, 1848 – First Edition of These Prayers / Tikun HaKlali – Lviv, 1859

Opening: $1,000
Estimate: $1,500 - $2,500
Sold for: $6,875
Including buyer's premium

Volume comprising two important early editions of Breslov Chassidic books, with two additional ethical and kabbalistic works printed in Russia-Poland:
· Likutei Tefillot, Parts I-II, based on discourses in Likutei Moharan, by R. Natan Sternhartz (Moharnat), disciple of R. Nachman of Breslov. [Lviv? Zhovkva?: printer not indicated, ca. 1848].
First edition of this anthology of prayers, which were not included in the two parts of the first edition of the book. The prayers in the present anthology were written by R. Natan of Breslov in 1827, before Part II of the first edition was finally printed. R. Natan wanted to write prayers corresponding to each of the teachings in Likutei Moharan (the present book contains 45 prayers on Part I of Likutei Moharan, 7 prayers on Part II, and two prayers on Sichot HaRan); the persecution of Jews that year may have provided another motive for writing the prayers (see: Natan Tzvi Kenig, Neveh Tzaddikim, p. 123). These prayers, not printed then, were first published in the present book (apparently by R. Nachman of Tulchyn), after R. Natan's death, as the author is mentioned on the title page with a blessing for the deceased.
Location and date of printing after: G. Scholem, Eleh Shemot, Jerusalem, 1928, p. 20, no. 60; Natan Tzvi Kenig, Neveh Tzaddikim, Bnei Brak, 1969, p. 123, no. 2.
· Tikun HaKlali, by R. Nachman of Breslov. [Lviv?: printer not indicated, 1859?]. Rare, second edition.
Location and date of printing after: Natan Tzvi Kenig, Neveh Tzaddikim (Bnei Brak, 1969) p. 67, no. 2. The Bibliography of the Hebrew Book records [9] leaves, and the location and date of printing are recorded as Zhovkva, ca. 1860-1876. G. Scholem (Eleh Shemot, Jerusalem, 1928, p. 38, no. 147) records [9] leaves, and estimates the date of printing as 1860-1865 in Lviv. The digitized copy on the NLI website contains only [8] leaves, as in the present copy.
Between the two above books are bound:
· Sefer HaYirah, by Rabbenu Yonah of Gerondi. Lviv (Lemberg): printer not indicated, [1849].

· Shaarei Kedushah, by R. Chaim Vital. Lviv (Lemberg): Chayah Gittel Grossman, [1848].

Four books in one volume. Likutei Tefillot: 36 leaves. Sefer HaYirah: [8] leaves. Shaarei Kedushah: [1], 20, [1] leaves. Tikun HaKlali: [8] leaves. Approx. 19 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains. Light wear. Worming, slightly affecting text. Small tears and open tears to margins of several leaves. New cardboard binding.

Chassidut – Books, Manuscripts and Letters
Chassidut – Books, Manuscripts and Letters