Auction 46 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art

Letter of Torah thoughts, Handwritten by Rabbi Yechezkel Berstein Author of Divrei Yechezkel (Teacher of Rabbi Shach and Rabbi Hutner)

Opening: $300
Sold for: $1,750
Including buyer's premium
Letter handwritten (not signed) by Rabbi Yechezkel Berstein, Head of the Or Yisrael Yeshiva in Slobodka. [Slobodka-Kovno, 1930s].
At the top of the leaf he write:s "Since I know that words of Torah are especially dear to you, I will copy a 'speck' of a discourse which I have recently delivered to the yeshiva students". He then discusses the question of Rabbi Yosef Ruzin Av Beit Din of Dvinsk which appears in his book Tzofnat Pa'aneach [the Rogochover died in 1936 and this letter was written in his lifetime].
Rabbi Yechezkel Berstein (1889-perished in the Holocaust in Cheshvan 1941), a foremost student at the Knesset Yisrael Yeshiva in Slobodka and friend of Rabbi Reuven Grozovsky and Rabbi Daniel Movshovitz who studied at the Slobodka Yeshiva at the same time. In 1913, he married and settled in Vabalninkas the birthplace of his great disciple Elazar Menachem Shach [author of Avi Ezri], who considered himself a "talmid muvhak" of Rabbi Yechezkel and was very close to him. the latter studied at the Slobodka Kollel and exiled with the yeshiva to Kremenchuk. On their return to Slobodka, the young man Yitzchak Hutner of Warsaw [author of Pachad Yitzchak] became close to him. In 1923, the Saba of Slobodka together with his son Rabbi Moshe Finkel established the Or Yisrael Yeshiva in Slobodka [which was an "intermediate yeshiva" absorbing students who graduated from Yeshivot Ketanot and after studying three years in an "intermediate yeshiva" they progressed to a yeshiva gedolah]. At first, Rabbi Yechezkel was appointed teacher but later became the sole head of the yeshiva. His scholarly work Divrei Yechezkel printed in Kėdainiai (Keidan) in 1935 reputed him throughout the Torah world. this book was printed in many editions and became one of the basic books of yeshiva Torah in-depth study. the thoughts in this letter were not printed in his book, but the basic content with many variations can be found in Siman 53.
Official stationery, 2 written pages, 29 cm. Good-fair condition, damp stains on margins.
Manuscripts – Ashkenaz
Manuscripts – Ashkenaz