Auction 24 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture

Letter from Tel-Hai, end of 1919

Opening: $300
Sold for: $575
Including buyer's premium
Handwritten letter. Tel-Hai, [October, 1919?].
"I mentioned in my previous letter the unrest around us. The day before yesterday 4 dead were found. Christians: 13 were killed already. Of the Druze – I do not know… two days ago seven Arab riders passed here, all of them with rifles…".
The letter is signed: "Ya'akov" who addresses the letter to his brother. It might be that the writer is Ya'akov Toker (1896-1920), one of the casualties of the Adar 11 battle. Leaf 27.5 cm. Good condition. Folding marks, minor tears, stains.
Eretz Israel, Settlements
Eretz Israel, Settlements