Auction 100 – Important Hebrew Manuscripts and Books from the Victor (Avigdor) Klagsbald Collection
Letter from the Netziv of Volozhin and Rabbi Shmuel Mohilever – Fundraising Appeal for Chovevei Tzion – Vilna, 1887
Opening: $500
Estimate: $1,000 - $2,000
Sold for: $2,000
Including buyer's premium
Lithographically-printed leaf: letter signed by the Netziv of Volozhin, R. Shmuel Mohilever Rabbi of Bialystok and R. Mordechai Eliasberg Rabbi of Bauska, a fundraising appeal for Chovevei Tzion on Erev Yom Kippur 1887, on behalf of the settlers in the colonies in Eretz Israel. [Vilna, Summer 1887].
Circular letter sent to various rabbis (the present letter was sent to the Rabbi of Dzyarechyn), calling to "take part in the enormous mitzvah of supporting colonies established in Eretz Israel. Therefore, please arrange to announce for everyone in your city to give a voluntary donation on the upcoming Erev Yom Kippur on behalf of those colonies…". In addition, the signatories ask the recipient to hang a notice on the walls of the local synagogue (this notice, which was enclosed with the letter, was also printed in HaMelitz, Elul 1887; see enclosed material). The rabbis also request to highlight the importance of the fundraising in the Shabbat Shuvah sermon: "It is quite right for each of the rabbis to expound on the importance of this elevated idea, and to encourage them to express generosity…".
On this fundraising appeal, see the letters of R. Shmuel Mohilever sent to the Netziv (Sefer Shmuel, Jerusalem, 1923, pp. 73-81, "Igrot Tzion"). In a letter dated 28th Tishrei 1887, R. Mohilever writes to the Netziv: "I have come to know… that with G-d's help, our words bore fruit, and almost all of the towns set out collection bowls on Erev Yom Kippur". In another of R. Mohilever's letters, dated 23rd Cheshvan 1887, he writes to the Netziv of his suspicions that the Chovevei Tzion in Liepāja forged his signature, making some change in the (present) letter: "…I know that many letters were sent here and that the local Chovevei Tzion sent to the surrounding areas, but I did not read them… But I thought that those letters were a copy of the letter we wrote when we were together in Vilna, which the three of us signed, when you were with me and with the Rabbi of Bauska together in my lodging. The original letter is undoubtedly still held by the Chovevei Tzion in Liepāja, please ask them for the original letter and see if it is identical with the lithograph copies that were sent…".
R. Mordechai Eliasberg's biography at the beginning of Shevil HaZahav (Warsaw, 1897, p. XXXII) describes his participation in the gathering with the Netziv and R. Shmuel Mohilever at the house of R. Shmuel Yosef Fuenn in Vilna.
[1] leaf. 21.5 cm. Fair condition. Stains, folds and tears. Tape repairs, affecting text in center of leaf. Marginal open tear, slightly affecting text. Stamp. Inscription.
The present letter was published, with minor errors, by Droyanov, Ketavim LeToldot Chibat Tzion, Odessa, 1919, Part I, pp. 296-297, letter 650 (based on the lithograph in the Ussishkin archive).
Manuscripts and Letters – Prominent Torah Scholars
Manuscripts and Letters – Prominent Torah Scholars