Auction 96 Early Printed Books, Chassidut and Kabbalah, Books Printed in Jerusalem, Letters and Manuscripts
Letter of the Minchat Elazar – Munkacs, 1934 – Blessings for Healing: "May the Creator of Cures and Salvations… Heal Her, And May She be Saved from Evil Dreams… And May She be Saved in All her Wishes for Good and Blessing"
Letter on Postcard (more than 4 lines) handwritten and signed by Rebbe Chaim Elazar Shapiro, the Minchat Elazar. [Munkacs, 1934].
Sent to the philanthropist R. Eliezer Bollag of Baden. On the postcard appear two letters from the Rebbe, a short one in his own handwriting, and a second more detailed one in the name of the Rebbe, handwritten by his attendant.
The Rebbe's letter is written in brief with many abbreviations: "With the help of God, I greet my dear friend, exceptional and outstanding etc.… Chaim Elazar Shapiro". On the margins of the page appears the Rebbe's stamp (in Latin script).
On the reverse side of the postcard is an additional letter from the Rebbe's attendant, R. Chaim Dov Grünfeld – "writing at the command of the Rebbe": "…And I was instructed by the Rebbe to give a loving response, that he is entreating and praying for… May the Creator of cures and salvations send His holy assistance and heal her, and may she be saved from evil dreams and all fears, and may she be saved in all her wishes for good and blessing…".
Rebbe Chaim Elazar Shapiro (1872-1937), the Minchat Elazar, was a leading Torah scholar, halachic and Chassidic authority and kabbalist. Son of Rebbe Tzvi Hirsch Shapiro, author of Darchei Teshuvah, and grandson of Rebbe Shlomo Shapiro, author of Shem Shlomo (both Rabbis of Munkacs), he was born to the dynasty of Rebbe Tzvi Elimelech of Dinov, the Bnei Yissachar. He fought for the holiness of Judaism, and his halachic and kabbalistic teachings are studied all over the world. Author of Minchat Elazar, Shaar Yissachar, Nimukei Orach Chaim, Divrei Torah in nine parts, and more.
Postcard. 15X10.5 cm. Good condition. Stains. Postage stamps and postmarks.