Auction 40 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Letter of Divrei Torah by the Ga’on Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Zacks to Rabbi Shmuel Salant – Pinsk, 1834

Opening: $600
Lengthy friendly letter containing Divrei Torah (on Sugiya of DeHo’il) by the Ga’on Rabbi Shlomo Zalman son of Rabbi Meir Zacks. Pinsk, 1834.
The Ga’on Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Zacks (1814-1876), righteous Ga’on, among famous Torah giants of Lithuania. Due to his exemplary righteousness was known as “Rabbi Zalmale Frumer”. Friend from youth of Ga’on Rabbi Shmuel Salant. Served as rabbi of towns of Birzai, Luoke and Kretinga. Rabbi Shmuel Salant was merely 19 years old when Zacks wrote this letter, however, already at this young age was known as a famous rabbinical authority and was equivalent in his wisdom to the giants of his generation. This letter was printed in Sefer Torat Rabbi Shmuel of Salant (Jerusalem, 1998), section III, chapter 151, pp. 179-183.
35 cm. leaf. 2 completely written pages. Good-fair condition, spotting, wear and minor damage.
The Old Yishuv in Jerusalem and Hebron – Letters to Rabbi Shmuel Salant
The Old Yishuv in Jerusalem and Hebron – Letters to Rabbi Shmuel Salant