Auction 90 Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Letters, Ceremonial Art
Large Collection of Books by Rabbi Tzadok HaKohen of Lublin – First Editions
Large collection of 17 books by R. Tzadok HaKohen of Lublin, including many first editions:
1-3. Pri Tzadik, commentary on the Torah and festivals, Parts I, III and IV. Lublin: Partners Moses Schneidmesser and Nechama Herschenhorn; Menachem Mendel Schneidmesser, 1901-[1933]. Three parts in three volumes. First editions.
4-5. Tzidkat HaTzadik. Lublin: Moses Schneidmesser and Nechama Herschenhorn, 1902. First edition. Two copies, one of them with date of censorship authorization on verso of title page (presumably stereotype edition of first edition).
6. Resisei Laylah. Lublin: Moses Schneidmesser and Nechama Herschenhorn, 1903. First edition.
7. Tiferet Tzvi, parts I and II, on Shulchan Aruch Yoreh De'ah. Biłgoraj: Natan Nata Kronenberg, 1909. First edition.
8. Me'ah She'arim, by R. Yitzchak Sheni, with four printed marginal notes, one of them written in the name of R. Tzadok HaKohen of Lublin. Lublin: Nechama Herschenhorn, Solomon Simon Streisberger and Menachem Mendel Schneidmesser, 1910
9. Machshavot Charutz. Piotrków: Henich Follman, 1912. First edition.
10. Divrei Sofrim. Lublin: Feder Brothers, [1913]. First edition.
11. Tzidkat HaTzadik. Lublin: Moses Schneidmesser and Nechama Herschenhorn, 1913. Stereotype edition of the 1902 edition.
12. Poked Akarim. Piotrków: Benjamin Liebeskind, 1922. First edition.
13. Takanat HaShavin. Piotrków: Chanoch Henich Follman / G. Piment (Warszawa), 1926. First edition.
14. Sichat Mal'achei HaSharet. Lublin: Menachem Mendel Schneidmesser, 1927. First edition.
15. Yisrael Kedoshim. Lublin: Nechama Herschenhorn and Solomon Simon Streisberger, 1928. First edition.
16. Levushei Tzedakah. Lublin: Menachem Mendel Schneidmesser, 1929. First edition.
17. Otzar HaMelech on the Rambam and responsum on the laws of impurity for Kohanim. Łódź: Aryeh Leib Spidbaum, 1939. First edition.
17 books. Size and condition vary. Inscriptions, signatures and stamps. New bindings.
PLEASE NOTE: Item description was shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.