Online Auction 021 – Jewish and Israeli History, Art and Culture

"Language Unifies the Nation" – Poster Issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture, Department of Language Education

Opening: $200
Sold for: $275
Including buyer's premium
"Language Unifies the Nation" – poster issued by The Ministry of Education and Culture, Department of Language Education. Jerusalem: Governmental Printer, printed by S. Monsohn, Photolitho. A. Pikovsky Ltd., [ca. 1950s]. Hebrew, Yiddish and Spanish.
On the upper part of the poster, a photograph of the poet Chaim Nachman Bialik and in its center a quote from his writings about the importance of language in creating national unity - "Language unifies the Nation" (from the speech "Nation and Language" which he delivered at the first conference of Agudat Hovevei Sfat Ever ["Society of Lovers of the Hebrew Language"] in Moscow in 1917). On the lower part of the poster appear Yiddish and Spanish translations of the quote.
Approx. 49X69 cm. Good condition. Fold lines and a few creases. Closed and open tears to the margins. Mounted on acid-free paper.