Auction 14 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Kashrut – 3 Printed Leaves

Opening: $150
3 printed leaves, concerning matters of Kashrut.
1. Printed certificate of Kashrut by Rabbi Betzalel Rosen, rabbi in New York, for the Corn Products Refining Company. New York, [1926].
2. Notice certifying the Kashrut of a factory for chocolate, halva and coffee. Signed in print [and stamped] by Rabbi Binyamin Beinish Craneblatt. [1938].
3. Notice of instruction in Nikur by Rabbi S. Malin of Bialystok, and an advertisement for his book Toraht HaNikur.
Various sizes. General condition good. Filing holes.
Single leaves and proclamations
Single leaves and proclamations