Online Auction 012 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
"Jewish Folk Songs in Russia" - Anthology of Jewish Folk-Songs in Yiddish - St. Petersburg, 1901
Opening: $100
Sold for: $138
Including buyer's premium
Еврейскія народныя пѣсни въ Россіи. собраны и изданы подъ редакціею и съ введеніемъ С.М. Гинзбурга и П.С. Марека [Jewish folk songs in Russia. Gathered, edited and published with an introduction by S.M. Ginzburg and P.S. Mark]. Published by the editorial of the paper "Voskhod", St. Petersburg, 1901. Russian and Yiddish with transcript in Latin characters.
Anthology of 376 Jewish folk songs in Yiddish. Transcript of lyrics in Latin characters appears by the Yiddish lyrics.
The anthology was edited by Shaul Ginzburg (1866-1940) - Jewish-Russian journalist, editor, activist, historian and lawyer, and by Peter (Pesach) Mark (1862-1920) - Jewish-Russian journalist, historian and ethnographer.
XXX, 329, [1], XIV, [4] pp, 28 cm. Good condition. Some stains. Slight creases and tears at margins of some of the leaves. Open tear to title page (not affecting text), repaired with a piece of paper pasted to reverse of title page. Bound in a cardboard binding, with cloth-covered spine and corners (no wrappers). Paper label is pasted to inner side of front binding. Worn binding, tears, worming and some other slight defects.
Anthology of 376 Jewish folk songs in Yiddish. Transcript of lyrics in Latin characters appears by the Yiddish lyrics.
The anthology was edited by Shaul Ginzburg (1866-1940) - Jewish-Russian journalist, editor, activist, historian and lawyer, and by Peter (Pesach) Mark (1862-1920) - Jewish-Russian journalist, historian and ethnographer.
XXX, 329, [1], XIV, [4] pp, 28 cm. Good condition. Some stains. Slight creases and tears at margins of some of the leaves. Open tear to title page (not affecting text), repaired with a piece of paper pasted to reverse of title page. Bound in a cardboard binding, with cloth-covered spine and corners (no wrappers). Paper label is pasted to inner side of front binding. Worn binding, tears, worming and some other slight defects.
Research and Bibliography books, Jewish Communities
Research and Bibliography books, Jewish Communities