Auction 046 Special Chabad Auction in Honor of 11th Nisan - Birthday of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, and in Honor of Pesach

Igrot HaKodesh (part four of the Tanya) – Lviv, 1860

Opening: $50
Sold for: $113
Including buyer's premium

Sefer Igrot HaKodesh, by Rebbe Shneur Zalman of Liadi – the Baal HaTanya. [Lviv, 1860].

This edition was printed line by line after the 1850 Zhovkva edition; it also appeared together with the Sefer HaTanya edition printed in Lviv that same year.

[28] ff. 19 cm. Good condition. Stains. Minor wear. Minor marginal tears. Leaves trimmed unevenly. Unopened sheet. New leather binding.

Mondshine, Sefer HaTanya, Bibliography, XXII, p. 96; Parts and chapters printed independently, XVI, pp. 160-161. 

Siddurim and Tanya
Siddurim and Tanya