Auction 40 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Hamagid, Nevi’im and Ketuvim – Slavita

Opening: $2,500
Collection of volumes of Nevi’im and Ketuvim from various publications of Sefer Hamagid, printed in Slavita, in the printing press of Rabbi Shmuel Avraham Shapira.
* Section 1, Nevi’im Rishonim, Yehoshua-Melachim. With Rashi commentary and Ivri Teitch [German in Hebrew letters]. Slavita, 1834. Approbations by Rabbi Chaim HaCohen of Pinsk, Rabbi Yitzchak Eizik of Berdychiv and Rabbi Ephraim of Sudilkov.
232 leaves (missing 2 leaves at end of volume, originally: 234 leaves). 4 first leaves taken from another copy, and restored.
* Section 4 (part 2), Nevi’im Achronim, Yeshayahu, Yirmiyahu and Yechezkel. Includes Rashi commentary and Ivri Teitch [German in Hebrew letters]. 1834.
2-292 leaves (missing title page, title page of another edition attached, in which section 4 is Yechezkel and Trei Assar with Targum Yonatan, Rashi and Metzudot). Moth damage and mildew.
* Section 3, from Nevi’im Achronim and Ketuvim. Trei Assar, Daniel, Ezra, Nechemia and Divrei HaYamim. With Rashi commentary and Ivri Teitch [German in Hebrew letters]. [1832].
81, 68, 76 leaves. Moth damage.
* Section 2, Melachim-Divrei HaYamim, with Targum Yonatan, Ivri Teitch [German in Hebrew letters] and commentaries of Rashi and Metzudot. Slavita, 1834.
[1], 3-226 leaves. (Missing page 2, originally: 226 leaves). Tears with missing pieces on margins of several leaves.
* Section 5, Tehillim and Mishlei, with Targum Yonatan, Rashi and Metzudot. [1826?].
9, 12-216 leaves. Incomplete and damaged copy. (Originally: 216 leaves). Wear and moth damage with missing pieces.
5 volumes in identical new bindings. Size approx. 25 cm. Various conditions. Missing leaves and torn leaves with missing pieces.
Books Printed in Slavita and Zhitomir
Books Printed in Slavita and Zhitomir