Auction 13 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture

HaKochav – Literary-Scientific Bi-Weekly Magazine – First Year – Warsaw, 1923-1924

Opening: $150
HaKochav, Literary-Scientific Monthly / Bi-Weekly magazine for youngsters, edited by Aharon Luboshitzky. Warsaw, 1923-1924. First year, issues 1-15 (last issues are double).
Poems, stories. Play-sections and games for youngsters and children. On first title page appears a handwritten dedication by the editor , the educator and poet Aharon Luboshitzky (1874-1942), the first poet who has written and published rhymed poems in Hebrew for young children. Volume 30 cm. Good condition. Slight damages to upper borders of several leaves.
Children's Books, Alef-Bet Books, Games
Children's Books, Alef-Bet Books, Games