Auction 26 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture

"HaChinuch" –Education Periodical – First Two Years, 1910-1912

Opening: $150
"HaChninuch", a pedagogic journal for teachers and parents, published by the Teachers Society in Eretz Israel, edited by Dr. N. [Nissan] Turov. A. Etin printing press, Jaffa. First year: Nissan-Adar [1910-1911], second year: Nissan-Adar [1911-1912]. 4 issues; 5 issues. A Hebrew periodical concerning education matters. The editor, Prof. Nissan Turov (1877-1953) was a teacher and pedagogue, psychologist, author and journalist, editor and Hebrew translator native of Russia, one of the founders of the Lewinsky Teachers' Seminary in Jaffa and its first director, director of the Boston Teachers' Seminary and a professor in the Religious Studies Institute in New-York. The proofreader of the journal was the author J.Ch. Brenner who, at the time, served as the secretary of the Teachers Union. Two volumes 24 cm. Fair-good condition. Acid and fragile paper. Tears. Ink-stamps.
Eretz Israel, Settlements
Eretz Israel, Settlements