Auction 14 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Four Prayers Books – Artistic Bindings

Opening: $200
Four Prayers books with fine and ornamented bindings.
1. Tfilot Yisrael prayer book [Vienna, 1894]. Bindings of faux ivory and velvet. Gilded frame with a clasp.
2. Machzor for Rosh HaShanah [Vienna, 1859]. Velvet binding, metal ornaments of Luchot HaBrit and a decorative clasp.
3. Sichat Yitzchak prayer book [Prague, 1887]. Faux ivory binding with an ornament of Luchot HaBrit, gold-plated frame and clasp.
4. Imádságok zsidók számára [Hungarian]. [Szeged], [1895]. Leather binding with an imprinted gilded Star of David.
Hebrew, German and Hungarian.
Various sizes and conditions.
Prayer books
Prayer books