Auction 50 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture

"Flaming Arrows of Satan" – Johann Christoph Wagenseil – Anti-Christian Writings – Altdorf, 1681

Opening: $400
Sold for: $1,188
Including buyer's premium
Tela Ignea Satanae [Flaming Arrows of Satan], by Johann Christoph Wagenseil. Printed by Joh. Henricus Schoennerstaedt. Altdorfi Noricorum, 1681. Hebrew and Latin. First edition.
A collection of Jewish apologetic anti-Christian writings, in the Hebrew original and Latin translation, with a critique and refutation by the German-Christian Hebraist Johann Christoph Wagenseil. The writings include: "Sefer Nitzachon Yashan" ("Old Debate Book"), "Sefer Chizuk Emuna" ("The Book of Fortifying Faith"), and "Sefer Toldot Yeshu" ("Chronicle of Jesus"). Facing the title page is an engraved portrait of the author.
The Hebraist Johann Christoph Wagenseil (1633-1705), born in Nuremberg, spent many years collecting and studying anti-Christian writings by Jewish authors, with the intent of exposing the Jews’ attacks on Christianity (this book is the fruit of Wagenseil’s extensive research on this subject). He even approached European rulers with a request to reach an agreement that would prevent Jewish attacks on Christianity. However, Wagenseil claimed that the Jews were treated unjustly over the years and he opposed harassing them, particularly through blood libels. His aim was to bring about the Jews’ conversion to Christianity in pleasant ways, rather than through pressure and coercion.
[1] engraving, [2], 633, [14], 260, 60, [2], 480, 26, 3-45, 100, [1], 132 pp, 20 cm. Good condition. Slight damages and stains, mainly to first and last leaves. Several ancient inscriptions. Original vellum binding. New endpapers.