Auction 16 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Five Books - She'erit Hapletah - Germany, 1947

Opening: $300
1. Chamisha Chumshei Torah, gift of Va'ad HaHatzala. Munich, 1947. Preceding title page, letter of thanks to the American nation and its President, by rabbis of Va'ad Ha'Hatzala, with an illustration of the flag of USA. Colorful title page in lithographic print.
2. She'erit HaPletah Prayer Book, weekday, Shabbat and festival prayers, [Sephardic version], with Tehillim. Augsburg, 1947. (Printed title page upon binding).
3. Ta'anit Tractate, with Mishnayot Kilayim. Gift of Va'ad HaHatzala to students of the Daf Yomi. Munich, 1947. (Small scale edition, with chart of Daf Yomi study).
4. Babylonian Talmud, Megillah Tractate. Gift of Va'ad Hahatzala to students of the Daf Yomi. Munich, 1947.
5. Kol Bo Prayer Book, prayers for all year with Tehillim and Yahrtzeit chart for martyrs of the nation. Munich, [c. 1947].
Various sizes. General condition good, original binding.
Books Printed for She'erit Ha-Pleita in Germany
Books Printed for She'erit Ha-Pleita in Germany