Auction 32 - Objects: Judaica, Israeliana, Archeology and Medals

Five Amulets – Parchment and Paper

Opening: $200
Five handwritten amulets. [Oriental writing, Persia? beginning of 20th century]. * Parchment amulet for safeguarding, protection and healing. Holy names, invocations, and kabalistic diagrams [Stars of David]. * Miniature amulet with table and letter combinations. * Illuminated parchment amulet. Against the evil eye, for healing and protection. * Colorful paper amulet, for visitation of a barren woman. Angels’ names, invocations, letter combinations and diagrams. Black, orange, green ink. * Paper amulet. For visitation of a barren woman. Holy names and diagrams. Narrow and long parchment and paper strips. Various sizes.
Single leafs, Scrolls and Amulets
Single leafs, Scrolls and Amulets