Auction 96 Early Printed Books, Chassidut and Kabbalah, Books Printed in Jerusalem, Letters and Manuscripts
Early Chabad Manuscript ("Bichel") – Letters and Discourses of the Alter Rebbe – 1815 – Unpublished Discourse – Copying of the Baal HaTanya's Signature
"Teachings of our master… teaching the people of G-d the path to follow", bound manuscript (Chabad "Bichel"). [1815]. Hand-Illustrated title page.
Early copying of some 30 letters, discourses and Chasidic homilies by Rebbe Shneur Zalman of Liadi – the Alter Rebbe. This copying was made approximately two years after the Alter Rebbe passed away (on 24th Tevet, 1812). When compared with printed versions of the writings of the Baal HaTanya, the essays in the present manuscript contain many additions, omissions and textual variants.
At the beginning of the manuscript, Mahadura Kama of Igeret HaTeshuvah, a part of the Tanya (this version was unknown to the editors of the Mahadura Kama of the Tanya, Brooklyn, 1982), followed by two letters written by the Baal HaTanya after his release from prison in St. Petersburg (letters 2 and 4 of Igeret HaKodesh in the Tanya; letters 73 and 37 of his Igrot Kodesh). At the end of one of these letters appears a copying of the Alter Rebbe's signature, reading: "Shneur Zalman son of R. Baruch".
The present manuscript contains 25 homilies delivered by the Alter Rebbe during the 1790s-1800s, both in Liadi and in Liozna. Towards the end of the Bichel (p. 61b) is a copying of two additional letters written by the Alter Rebbe in 1803 (letters 30 and 1 of Igeret HaKodesh in the Tanya, letters 84 and 82 of his Igrot Kodesh).
On p. 61a, copying of a discourse by the Maggid of Mezeritch (Maggid Devarav LeYaakov, 2005 edition, no. 83, p. 30). To the best of our knowledge and research, the discourse "Lehavin Inyan Nefesh VeRuach", appearing in the present manuscript in leaves 59a-61b, has never been printed.
Some forty blank leaves of a later period are bound at the end of the manuscript, after leaf 64. On the first page is a copying in a different hand of a discourse by the Mitteler Rebbe (Maamarei Admor HaEmtza'i of Lubavitch, IX, p. 1589). The last two pages contain an index of the discourses and letters copied in the manuscript.
Ownership inscriptions and birth records from ca. 1820s-1830s inscribed on last page. Stamp of the "Bikur Cholim Hospital" in Jerusalem.
[1], 2-64 leaves (two columns per page on about half of leaves) + [40] blank leaves (on first page, copying of the discourse by the Mitteler Rebbe; and on last leaves, index and ownership inscriptions). Leaf 55 torn and mostly lacking. 18.5 cm. Good condition. Stains, including dark stains. Creases and light wear. Large marginal open tears to title page, repaired with paper, affecting illustrated frame. Tears from ink erosion, affecting frame of title page and text in some places. Worming, affecting text. Stamps. New binding, slightly worn.
Provenance: The Gross Family Collection, Tel Aviv, EE.011.007.