Auction 31 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture

Disḳuhrś – First Yiddish Periodical – Amsterdam, Late 18th Century

Opening: $600
Disḳuhrś, first periodical printed in Yiddish. Amsterdam: Yochanan Levy Rofeh printing press, 1797-1798. Issues 3-23.
Twenty booklets of Disḳuhrś", a periodical for "Protection of the New Community", published in Amsterdam in the years 1797-1798. Total of 24 issues were printed.
"The New Community" (name given to "Adat Yeshurun" congregation in Amsterdam), was the first Jewish reform community in Europe. The congregation was founded in 1797, and under the leadership of R' Izak Grannboom, introduced a reform in customs and prayers. The congregation could function in view of the new regime in Holland that separated state from religion and by doing so cancelled the authority which the community leaders had over its members. A dispute occurred between "Adat Yeshurun" congregation and the Jewish community leaders. This dispute is well reflected in the " Disḳuhrś" booklets. Except for the 24 booklets "for the Protection of the New Community", 16 booklets "for the Protection of the Old Community" in Amsterdam were printed (see "Kedem" catalogue no 15, item 510). 20 booklets, average size 22 cm. Fair-good condition. Stains, creases and tears.
Various Communities
Various Communities