Auction 14 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
Copy of a "Wondrous Letter" Sent to the “Chatam Sofer”
Opening: $500
Letter by Rabbi Shlomo Palovitz, which contains a copy of another letter sent to Pressburg in 1834. “A copy of words written by Rabbi Yehuda Brandburg - Torah scholar from Trieste - to the Gaon [Chatam Sofer], which contains a copy of a writing owned by [Rabbi] Avraham Shlomo Zalman, fundraiser from Jerusalem: “I have heard from Rabbi Yechiel… who had left the town of Tatuan and found the wording of a letter which fell into the hands of the outstanding Kabbalist and Dayan Rabbi Yuda Ha-Levi… and was originally found in an open area in 1785 on a special stone placed on the ground, which, at the time of the foundation of… bore all kinds of adornments in golden letters saying as follows: in 1829, there will be wars… 1831 will die the Pope in Rome, in 1832, there will be great wars all over the world… in 1837 the world will know Gd’s Redemption, in 1838-39, G-d will gather his children and rule the world…”.
The following is written on the verso of the leaf: “copied from the sage of Trieste’s writings [author of the “Ketav Sofer”]. Predicts events which will happen between the years 1829 and 1838”.
Rabbi Avraham Shlomo Zalman Tzoref of Jerusalem was sent to Italy on a fundraising mission for the associated Ashkenazi and Sephardic Kollelot during fall 1829, his mission lasted over three years. See A. Ya’ari, “Sheluchei Eretz Israel” pp. 774-777.
Rabbi Yehuda Brandburg of Trieste’s name appears in the “Chatam Sofer” responsum in several places, [since the Chatam Sofer] replied to his questions. See “Ishim Be-Teshuvot Ha-Chatam Sofer” p. 145 and refer to the enclosed material.
18.5 cm leaf, written on both sides, greenish paper, good condition, stains and folding marks.
The following is written on the verso of the leaf: “copied from the sage of Trieste’s writings [author of the “Ketav Sofer”]. Predicts events which will happen between the years 1829 and 1838”.
Rabbi Avraham Shlomo Zalman Tzoref of Jerusalem was sent to Italy on a fundraising mission for the associated Ashkenazi and Sephardic Kollelot during fall 1829, his mission lasted over three years. See A. Ya’ari, “Sheluchei Eretz Israel” pp. 774-777.
Rabbi Yehuda Brandburg of Trieste’s name appears in the “Chatam Sofer” responsum in several places, [since the Chatam Sofer] replied to his questions. See “Ishim Be-Teshuvot Ha-Chatam Sofer” p. 145 and refer to the enclosed material.
18.5 cm leaf, written on both sides, greenish paper, good condition, stains and folding marks.