Auction 22 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters

Zchor Le’Avraham Even Ha’ezer-Choshen Mishpat, Glosses in Oriental Handwriting

Opening: $250
Sold for: $750
Including buyer's premium
1. Sefer Zchor Le’Avraham, second section, Even Ha’ezer and Choshen Mishpat. Rabbi Avraham Alkalai. [Salonika, 1798]. First edition.
Many glosses in Oriental handwriting, some lengthy. Ownership signature: “Ben Zion son of Moshe HaLevi”.
[Missing title page], 264-382 [instead of: 384], [1] leaves. 20 cm. Good-fair condition, stains, wear and some moth holes. Without binding.
2. Sefer Zchor Le’Avraham, second section, Even Ha’ezer and Choshen Mishpat. Salonika, [1798]. Second edition. Title page contains ownership signature in handwriting different from that of the glosses: “Api Zotri” and stamp of Rabbi “Avraham Philosof” [born in 1864, served as Dayan and chief Av Beit Din of Jerusalem]. Numerous glosses in Oriental handwriting.
[1], 264-372 leaves. Approx. 19 cm. Good condition, few tears and moth damage. Without binding.