Auction 64- Jewish and Israeli History and Culture

Withdrawn. Collection of Personal Letters to Israeli Ambassador Shimshon Arad – Letters Signed by David Ben-Gurion, Moshe Sharett, Moshe Dayan, Yigael Yadin and others – 1960s-1990s

Opening: $400


Approximately 260 letters hand-signed by Israeli politicians, military and public figures, sent to the diplomat and ambassador Shimshon Arad. Ca. 1960s to 1990s (most are from the 1960s). Hebrew (a number of letters in English).
The collection contains, among other things letters from Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion; Prime Minister Moshe Sharett; Chiefs of Staff Moshe Dayan, Yigael Yadin and Haim Bar Lev; politicians and ministers Abba Eban, Pinchas Sapir, Shimon Peres, Teddy Kollek, David Hacohen, Beba Idelson, Yosef (Tommy) Lapid and others; Uzi Narkiss, head of the Central Command during the Six Day War; Mordechai Hod, commander of the Israeli Air Force during the Six Day War; Meir Amit, head of the Mossad; Supreme Court President Meir Shamgar; Gavriel Tsifroni, CEO of Habima Theatre; Moshe Zak and Shalom Rosenfeld, editors-in-chief of Maariv; author and translator Aharon Amir; and others.
The letters, which are handwritten or typewritten (many of them on official stationery), deal with a variety of personal and public subjects: the question of the territories; David Ben-Gurion's resignation from the Mapai party; the changing of generations in the Labor movement; the religious splinter groups joining Likud; the form of government in Israel; the presidential elections in the United States; Jewish communities throughout the world; the relations between Israel and other countries worldwide; and more.
Shimshon Arad (1923-2015) joined the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1948. He held high-ranking positions in embassies in the United States and was later named Israel's ambassador to Mexico City and The Hague. He retired from public service in 1973.
Enclosed: Camp David – The Unfinished Business by Abba Eban, United States, 1978. Printout from the periodical Foreign Affairs, hand-signed by Abba Eban.
Size and condition vary. Good overall condition.

Letters, Signatures and Dedications
Letters, Signatures and Dedications