Unpublished Manuscripts – Kabbalistic Works Handwritten by Rabbi Shmuel Moed Rabbi of Vasilkov Author of Beit Shmuel HaKatan – Disciple of Rabbi Mendel of Shklow, Third in the Chain of Transmission from the Gaon of Vilna

Opening: $5,000
Estimate: $8,000 - $10,000
Sold for: $13,750
Including buyer's premium
Collection of notebooks, booklets and leaves handwritten by the Torah scholar and kabbalist R. Shmuel Moed Rabbi of Vasilkov (Wasilków), author of Beit Shmuel HaKatan. [Vasilkov, 19th century]. Unpublished works.
• Makom Shmuel – kabbalistic work on the Passover Haggadah and Sefirat HaOmer.
• A large kabbalistic work on prayer, relating to the topics: Tikkun Chatzot, Tzitzit, writing of tefillin, donning tefillin, synagogue, the four kabbalistic worlds, kavanot and blessings for Chanukah, the Three Weeks and Tisha B'Av, Rosh Chodesh Elul and Selichot, Purim and the Megillah blessings and omissions (supplements to all the parts of Sod HaTefillah).
• Single leaves and booklets: Sermon for Shabbat Shuvah; novellae on Shulchan Aruch Even HaEzer and on the Rambam; four pages from a notebook of halachic responsa, signed on the fourth page: "Shmuel son of R. Yehuda"; and additional single booklets and leaves of novellae and notes on Tractate Berachot, other Tractates of Order Mo'ed, and Tractate Zevachim (novellae on the mishnayot, Gemara, Rif and Rishonim).
• Sections from part II of Beit Shmuel HaKatan, his commentary on the Mordechai – on Tractates Yevamot and Ketubot, handwritten by the author (part I of Beit Shmuel HaKatan – on Tractates Berachot, Halachot Ketanot and Order Mo'ed, was published in two volumes in 2010, based on a manuscript copied by a scribe, held in the Bar-Ilan University Library, Ms. 0923).
One of the leaves from his notebook on the Mordechai on Tractate Yevamot was written on the verso of a ruling from the Vasilkov Beit Din, dated Elul 1849 – with the signature of the author and rabbi of the city, and the other dayanim: "Shmuel son of R. Yehuda Leib, posek of this community", "Yitzchak son of R. Shlomo Zalman" and "Yitzchak son of R. Eli. Kahana". Further on the same leaf, there is an additional authorization, signed again by the author and the other dayanim.
R. Shmuel son of R. Yehuda Leib Moed (1784-1875), served for over fifty years as rabbi of his hometown Vasilkov, near Białystok and Grodno. He was a prominent Torah scholar, both in revealed and kabbalistic parts of the Torah. He was a close disciple of the kabbalist R. Mendel of Shklow, who taught him the kabbalah he received from his teacher the Gaon of Vilna, rendering R. Shmuel the third in the chain of transmission of the Gaon of Vilna (as he is termed in the approbation by R. Sh. Auerbach and R. Elyashiv to the book Beit Shmuel HaKatan). He was a pious and holy man, known as a wonder worker. He spent all his life wrapped in tallit and tefillin, and studied Torah unceasingly. His grandson R. Gedaliah Nachman Broder (author of Gan Yerushalayim) relates that he would stand every night by the lectern in the synagogue, learning uninterruptedly from after the Arvit prayer until the Shacharit prayer the next morning. He upheld this practice for fifteen years, from when he was appointed rabbi of the city in 1819, until his legs weakened. In his later years, he lost his eyesight, yet he continued studying and praying as usual, reviewing mishnayot and Talmudic topics by heart, from all parts of the Talmud. During those years, he even continued leading the mussaf prayers during the High Holidays, reciting all the piyyutim and Yom Kippur temple service by heart. He lived until the age of 91, and passed away on the last day of Passover, while the cantor recited the verse from Hallel "Precious in the eyes of G-d is the death of his pious ones".
R. Shmuel Moed wrote novellae on all parts of the Torah. In his preface to his book Beit Shmuel HaKatan, part I (published based on a manuscript in 2010, see above), the author mentions the present manuscript volumes: "…just as You assisted me in producing the first portion of my composition, assist me in producing the second portion, as well as my compositions on the Siddur according to the mystic teachings of the Kabbalah, on Aggadah… and the notes and new insights on the Talmud that are in my possession". Likewise, in various places in the book he refers to additional novellae he authored, some of which are indeed found in the present manuscripts (the publishers of Beit Shmuel HaKatan were presumably not aware of the present manuscripts, which were held in a different place).
Over 710 written pages. Size and condition vary. Most leaves approx. 20-22 cm. Stains and extensive wear. Open tears and dampness damage to some leaves. Title page of Makom Shmuel torn and lacking (repaired with paper).
• Enclosed: photocopies of certificates of appointment signed by the members of the Vasilkov community, who renewed the author's position as rabbi several times.
Also enclosed are negatives and copies of a picture of the author wearing Tallit and Tefillin.
Kabbalah – Manuscripts and Books
Kabbalah – Manuscripts and Books