Online Auction 021 – Jewish and Israeli History, Art and Culture

Two Humorous Haggadahs for Passover and a Booklet for Purim – a Soldier of the British Army – Benghazi and Italy, 1943-1945

Opening: $400
Two humorous Haggadahs for Passover and a booklet for Purim, which were written by a Jewish soldier from Palestine who served in the British Army, presumably in the R.A.O.C. (Royal Army Ordnance Corps), in Egypt, Libya and Italy.
1. The Benghazi Haggadah. [Benghazi, Libya, 1943].
A single typewritten leaf. Humorous texts from the life of the unit, which was then in Libya transporting petrol after spending time in Egypt. "Today, slaves – that is soldiers. Next year, free men – that is unemployed" (Hebrew).
[1] leaf, 32.5 cm. Fair condition. Stains, creases and fold lines. A small tear, affecting the text.
2. Humorous program for the Passover 'Seder' – Haggadah of the company. [Libya?, 1944?].
A single typewritten leaf. The text refers to the 745 engineering company.
[1] leaf, 33 cm. Fair-good condition. Stains, creases and fold lines. Handwritten corrections and additions.
3. Purim. [Napoli, 1945]. Hebrew and English.
"The scroll of Esther and Mordechai / for the soldiers of Palestine / who are sitting in Italy too much!!! / rhymed by Reuven Silman". A humorous rhymed version of the story of the Esther Scroll in Hebrew, followed by an English version of the story. The writer, Reuven Silman (Sivan), born in 1912, an educator, linguist, scholar, editor and translator, son of the writer and teacher Kadish Silman, was recruited into the British Army in June 1942 and served in the RAOC until April 1946. Possibly, it was also Silman who authored the two humorous Passover Haggadahs (no. 1-2 above).
[11] leaves, 20 cm. Fair condition. Stains and wear. Creases and tears. Detached leaves. Uneven edges. A long tear to the last leaf of the Hebrew text. Penned notation.
Passover Haggadot
Passover Haggadot