Two Collections of Photographs – Male and Female Soldiers of the British Army – World War II

Opening: $400
Two collections of photographs, one of a male soldier and the second of a female soldier, who enlisted into the Palestinian units of the British Army. Palestine, Egypt and Europe, ca. 1940s (some are earlier).
* Approx. 160 photographs which had belonged to a Jewish soldier. Among them: group photographs of soldiers; crossing destroyed cities in military vehicles; a wedding in military uniforms; tent camps; a crushed German airplane; a dovecote of military pigeons; a photograph on a horse before the pyramids in Egypt; a festive hall decorated with British flags and Zionist flags; and more.
* Approx. 30 photographs that had belonged to a Jewish female soldier. Among them: a roll-call of female drivers of the Red Cross; female soldiers driving military police cars; a photograph of Moshe Sharet visiting a unit of Hebrew soldiers; and more.
Enclosed: approx. 50 photographs of military leaders, soldiers and views (presumably purchased as souvenirs by the soldiers); five typewritten leaves, with Yiddish and Hebrew poems; "A Missive to Male and Female Soldiers, no. 21" (Hebrew), a printed booklet issued by the Histadrut (incomplete).
A total of approx. 190 photographs (arranged in two albums). Size and condition vary. Good-fair overall condition. Stains and minor blemishes. Handwritten dedications and stamps on some. Several of the photographs appear in multiple copies.