Auction 64- Jewish and Israeli History and Culture

Two Books on the Geography of Palestine – "Sacred Geography" by Nicolas Sanson / Onomasticon of Place Names – Amsterdam, Early 18th Century

Opening: $600
Volume containing two books on the geography of Palestine. Amsterdam, 1704-1707.
1. Geographia Sacra ex Veteri et Novo Testamento Desumta, by Nicolas Sanson. Amsterdam: Franciscus Halma, 1704. Latin.
The book "Sacred Geography" by French cartographer Nicolas Sanson (1600-1667). The book includes four folded maps (engravings) including a map of Palestine (with a division into tribal lands) and a map of Judea, Samaria and the Galilee. Appearing in the beginning of the book are two additional engraved plates, one with a portrait of the author.
2. Onomasticon Urbium et Locorum Sacrae Scripturae. Amsterdam: Franciscus Halma, 1207 [i.e. 1707]. Latin and Greek.
Book on the places of settlement mentioned in the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament. With a large map of the Land of Israel (folded engraving).
Two books bound together: 15, [11], 111, 16, 51, [1] pp + [5] plates; [14], 192 pp + [1] plate, 44.5 cm. Good condition. Stains. Worming and a few small tears. Paper pasted to margins of some leaves at the beginning of the volume (for restoring the worming holes). Ink inscription on verso of title page of the first book. Fine vellum binding. Paper label glued onto inside front binding.
Maps, Travelogues, Photography
Maps, Travelogues, Photography