Auction 31 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture

Treatise on Jewish Apologetics - Mantua, 1775

Opening: $200
Lettera apologetica a sua eccellenza il signor marchese N.N., amico del signor avvocato Giovambattista Benedetti..., nell' occasione di certo libello diffamatorio contro agli Ebrei venuto alla luce sotto il titolo di Dissertazione delle Religione e del Giuramento degli Ebrei fallacemente attribuito al detto Sig. Avvocato. Printed by Alberto Pazzoni, Mantua, 1775. Italian.
Treatise is a defense of Giovambattista Benedetti, published anonymously following a booklet by the name “Dissertation on the birth and oaths of the Jews” which slanders the Jews and which was also published anonymously and attributed erroneously to the same Benedetti. VII, [1], 110 pages, 26 cm. Fair to good condition, stains on title page and in page margins, tears in the margins of several pages, light moth damage.
Research and Bibliography
Research and Bibliography