Auction 96 Early Printed Books, Chassidut and Kabbalah, Books Printed in Jerusalem, Letters and Manuscripts

Torah Letter from the Gadol of Minsk, Rabbi Yerucham Yehudah Leib – Minsk, 1888

Opening: $800
Sold for: $3,500
Including buyer's premium

Lengthy letter (2 pages), handwritten and signed by R. Yerucham Yehudah Leib (Perelman), Rabbi of Minsk, author of Or Gadol. Minsk, 1888.
Sent to R. Avraham Pinchas, Rabbi of Romanova (Lenino). The letter deals with the interpretation of the Tosefta regarding purification and cleansing of vessels, also bringing up textual issues.
The present letter does not appear in the Or Gadol HaShalem edition of the author's works published by Machon Yerushalayim, and has apparently never been printed.

R. Yerucham Yehudah Leib Perelman (1835-1896), known as "the Gadol of Minsk". Disciple of the renowned Torah scholar R. Yaakov Meir Padua. He served as Rabbi of Seltz (Sialiec) and Pruzhany, and as Rabbi of Minsk from 1883 until his passing. His comments on the Mishnah and responsa are published under the title Or Gadol. He was the only one in his generation who earned the title of Gadol, an honor mentioned on his tombstone.

[1] double leaf, written on both sides + the recipient's address on a third page. 20.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains, wear and folds. Marginal open tears, slightly affecting text.

Letters and Manuscripts – Rabbis of Lithuania, Poland and Other Countries
Letters and Manuscripts – Rabbis of Lithuania, Poland and Other Countries