Auction 62 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art

Three Official Documents Signed by Rabbi Chaim Zussman Sofer Author of Machane Chaim – Gyömöre, Hungary, 1852

Opening: $500
Two birth certificates and another official document, signed by R. Chaim Zussman Sofer, author of Machane Chaim. Gyömöre (Hungary), 1852.
1-2. Birth certificates of Gabor Abeles (born in 1822) and Resy Abeles (born in 1839). Notary stamps are pasted on the documents.
3. Document obligating Moses Stern to pay 5 gulden to support his daughter. With the wax seal of the Jewish community.
The three documents are in German and all bear the signature of R. Chaim Sofer in German: "Joachim Schreiber", alongside his wax seal: "Ober Rabbiner J. Schreiber Gyömöre".
R. Chaim Zussman Sofer, Rabbi of Munkacs (Mukachevo) and Budapest (1821-1886, HaChatam Sofer V'Talmidav pp. 138-142), author of Responsa Machane Chaim and celebrated Hungarian Torah scholar. Born in Pressburg and circumcised by the Chatam Sofer, he studied under the Chatam Sofer in his last years. After his teacher's death, he traveled to the yeshiva of the Maharam Ash Rabbi of Ungvár. On his way, he spent a Shabbat in the city of Ohel (Ujhely) by the Rebbe, author of Yishmach Moshe, who lovingly welcomed him and was overjoyed to learn of the greatness and holiness of R. Chaim Zussman's teacher, the Chatam Sofer. From 1851-1858, he served as Rabbi of Gyömöre, and in 1868 was appointed Rabbi of Munkacs. In 1879, he relocated to Budapest to serve as Raavad of its Charedi community.
[3] folded leaves. 34 cm. Good condition. Few stains. Folding marks.
Ketubot, Official Documents and Certificates
Ketubot, Official Documents and Certificates