Online Auction 014 – Jewish and Israeli History, Art and Culture

Ten Badges and Pins – Zionist Organizations and Youth Movements

Opening: $150
Sold for: $200
Including buyer's premium
Ten badges and pins of Zionist organizations and youth movements:
1. Pin with the emblem of Tel-Aviv and the inscription "1909-1929, I will build you up again and you will be rebuilt." (Hebrew). 1929.
2. Pin of the second Maccabiah, with the Maccabiah logo and the year 1935.
3. Pin commemorating the 20th Zionist Congress, with the letter "Kaf" (20) in the center. 1937. Marked on the back "M. Muro".
4. Pin with the logo of the third Maccabiah, 1950. Damaged.
5. Enamel inlaid pin issued for the 11th national convention of WIZO women organization, 1957.
6. Hat pin of the Scouts in the shape of a Star of David with a palm tree in the center, and the inscription "Heye Nachon".
7. Pin of "HaShomer HaTza'ir" organization with its logo – Lily of the Valley and the inscription "Hazak veEmatz". On the back appears a dedication "K. from P.".
8. Pin with the emblem of Bne Akiva – Tablets of the Law with the letter " ב" and "ע", a hammer and rake in the background and an inscription on the bottom "Torah veAvodah".
9. Membership pin in Scopus club (on behalf of the Hebrew University Students Association).
10. Pin issued to commemorate 50-th year anniversary of Herzliya Gymnasium, with the image of the school's building in the center and the inscription "1906-1956".
Size varies. Good overall condition.
Objects, Medals
Objects, Medals