Auction 33 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Tefilat Yisrael Prayer Book – Jerusalem, 1842

Opening: $200
Sold for: $1,625
Including buyer's premium
Tefilat Yisrael prayer book, Sephardic custom. Includes poems and laws. Jerusalem, 1842. Israel Beck printing press.
Approbations of rabbis of Jerusalem. On title page: “All who are involved in the holy work are from the Jewish nation…”. In the preface, the printer, Rabbi Israel Beck, relates his hardships in Safed: “After all the hardships which I endured… plague and sword and hunger… earthquake” which erupted in Safed “I was forced to establish my dwelling here… Jerusalem”. Some of the laws and prayers are taken from the Sefat Emet prayer book edited by Rabbi Nissim Zerachia Azulai, Safed 1832. At end: Calendar (1843-1846).
Incomplete and damaged copy, 148 leaves (originally: 152 leaves). 15 cm. Varying condition, tears and damage on first leaves, moth damage and stains. Majority of leaves in good condition.
Rare. S. HaLevi, First Books of Jerusalem, no. 4.
Books Printed in Jerusalem and Eretz Israel
Books Printed in Jerusalem and Eretz Israel