Auction 98 Early Printed Books, Chassidut and Kabbalah, Books Printed in Jerusalem, Letters and Manuscripts, Jewish Ceremonial Art

Tanya – Eleven Early Editions – Jassy, Warsaw, Vilna, Munkacs and Munich, 1909-1984

Opening: $400
Sold for: $2,125
Including buyer's premium

Eleven early editions of Likutei Amarim – Tanya, by Rebbe Shneur Zalman of Liadi – the Alter Rebbe. Jassy, Warsaw, Vilna, Munkacs and Munich, 1843-1947.
• Tanya. Jassy, 1843. Includes enthusiastic approbation by R. Yosef Landau, Rabbi of Jassy (see here for the background to this approbation).
• Tanya. [Warsaw, after 1856]. False imprint for Vienna. Stamps of Jaffa Shaarei Torah and soup kitchen.
• Tanya. Vilna, 1879. Signature and stamps of R. "Avraham Abba Frankel" of Siedlce (1871-1961), a distinguished Torah scholar of the Skernovitz-Vorka Chassidic court and disciple of the Avnei Nezer of Sochatchov.
• Tanya. Vilna, 1900. Edition of the Rebbe Rashab of Lubavitch. According to the inscription on the title page (dated 23rd Iyar 1967), the present copy was presented to the third President of Israel Zalman Shazar by R. Asher Zeilingold, Chabad emissary and rabbi of Adat Yisrael synagogue in Saint Paul, Minnesota, and Rabbi of Adat Yeshurun synagogue. Stamps and signatures of the publisher, R. Menachem Shmuel Slotky of Jerusalem (1883-1959; grandson of R. Yehudah Leib Slonim and son of Rebbetzin Menucha Rachel Slonim).
• Tanya. Vilna, 1909. Second title page lacking. Includes notice on sale of rights to print the Tanya to the widow and brothers Romm by the Rebbe Rashab, which was reprinted in all subsequent editions.
• Tanya. Vilna, 1912.
• Tanya. Vilna, 1922.
• Tanya. Vilna, 1930. Published by Tomchei Temimim. Original blue binding (with gilt decorations). On last page, stamp of Shneur Zalman Shmotkin bookshop in Warsaw. On margins of leaf 2, stamp of "R. Yehudah Leib Silberberg, rabbi of Ohev Shalom synagogue in Flatbush".
• Tanya. Vilna, 1937.
• Tanya. Munkacs, [1943]. Illustrated front title page. Includes twelve-chapter biography of the author, Rebbe Shneur Zalman of Liadi (with divisional title page).
• Tanya. [Munich]: Kehot, 1947. Printed by Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson (later the Lubavitcher Rebbe) for Holocaust survivors, with his introduction. Stamps of R. "Shmuel Gorr". Original binding.

11 volumes. Size and condition vary. Signatures and stamps. Original and new bindings.

PLEASE NOTE: Some lot descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to the Hebrew text.

Chabad Chassidic Books
Chabad Chassidic Books