Auction 22 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters

Talmud Yerushalmi Seder Mo'ed – Scholarly Glosses by the Rebbe of Alexander Author of "Emunat Moshe"

Opening: $250
Sold for: $813
Including buyer's premium
Talmud Yerushalmi, Seder Mo'ed Aleph, Tractate Shabbat Eruvim and Pesachim. With new commentaries of the Ridvaz Rabbi of Slotzk. Pietrekov, 1900.
Scholarly long handwritten glosses, attributed to [as apparent from superficial comparison of manuscripts, see attached photograph] the Rebbe of Alexander. Rabbi Yehuda Moshe Danziger-Tyberg (1893-1973, Encyclopedia L'Chassidut, Volume 2, pages 43-44), author of "Emunat Moshe" and "Chashva L'Tovah" responsa, an outstanding tzaddik. Ascended to Eretz Yisrael in 1934 by the recommendation of his cousin the Rebbe of Alexander, author of "Akedat Yitzchak", who told him that he sees black clouds over the skies of Europe. After all the family of his uncle, the Rebbe, was murdered during the Holocaust, those Chassidim that remained crowned him Rebbe.
[2], 92, 6, 11 leaves; 65 leaves; 71, 3 leaves. 36.5 cm. Dry paper, good-fair condition, moth damage. Worn binding.