Auction 34 - The Arnie Druck Collections

SY Agnon –Ma'ase Rabbi Gadiel HaTinok - Parchment Binding

Opening: $200
Ma'ase Rabbi Gadiel HaTinok, S.Y. Agnon. Marx and Partner printing press,Berlin, 1925.
A story by S.Y. Agnon. Printed in a particularly small format, on heavy paper, in a limited edition of five hundred copies as "a present to the members of Soncino company, for its first annual meeting on the first day of Sivan, 1925, by the owner of the press Marx and Partner printing press in Berlin". An exceptionally fine copy, with gilded upper edges and full parchment binding, original. [16] pp, 11 cm. Good condition. In an original cardboard slipcase.
From the collection of Arnie Druck.
Hebrew Literature
Hebrew Literature