Six Posters of HaShomer HaTzair Movement Designed by Yohanan Simon, Franz Kraus and Naftali Bezem, 1938-1949

Opening: $14,000
Sold for: $17,500
Including buyer's premium
1. Poster on behalf of the Shomer HaTza'ir World Union designed by Yohanan Simon. Invitation to the first national convention in Tel Aviv, held on April 20-23, 1938. Printed by E. Strud, Tel Aviv, 1938.
The illustration depicts a man holding a red flag and a sheaf of grain. 63X95 cm. framed: 102.5X70.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Creases, few stains. Folding marks. See: "Art in the Service of Ideology, Hashomer Hatzair Political Posters 1937-1967". Editor: Shlomo Shaltiel. Published by Yad Yaari and the Ben-Gurion Research Center, 1999. Page 105.
2. Your List - Mem – the Left Front. Poster designed by Yohanan Simon. Printed by Azriel, Tel Aviv [1944].
A poster for the elections to the Histadrut, on behalf of the Left Front – joint list of HaShomer HaTzair, The Socialist League and Po'alei Zion Smol. Signed: Y. S.
34.5X50 cm. Good condition. Folding marks. Minor tears, restored. Glued on thick cardboard. See: "Art in the Service of Ideology", page 104.
3. Give a Hand to the Victory of the Left! The Left Front. Poster designed by Franz Kraus, [1944].
Election poster for the General Federation of Laborers (Histadrut Haovdim Haklalit). The illustration depicts a red fist, holding a white ballot with the letter of the party. In the background are masses of the working class, stepping on a blue surface. 32X47 cm. Good condition. Folding marks. See: "Art in the Service of Ideology", page 103.
4. "For Pioneer Action! For Breaking Through the Siege! For Breaching the Gates!". Poster designed by Yohanan Simon. HaDfus HaChadash Ltd. Tel Aviv [1944].
Election poster. For Great Zionism! For Fighting Socialism! For Brotherhood of Nations!. Signed: Y. S. The illustration portrays the hands of a man holding a hammer and in the background are a water tower and a guard tower, surrounded by barbed wire fences. This illustration created by Simon was a basis for additional posters. 35X49 cm. Good condition. 12 file holes. Creases. Folded.
5. Hashomer HaTzair in Eretz Israel, The Fourth National Convention. Linol.: Institute Named after Zvi Bergman. Printed by Nesher, Tel Aviv, [1984]. Designed by Nafali Bezem. Signed: Naftali. The illustration portrays three figures – a young girl and two boys – wearing Hashomer HaTzair shirts.
One boy is holding a blue flag and the second has a gun behind his back. 48.5X69.5 cm. framed: 78X58 cm. Good-fair condition. Creases, tears to proclamation margins, stains. Folding msrks. See: "Art in the Service of Ideology", page 108.
6. Poster on behalf of Mapam [the United Workers Party]. "For the Census of the Fighting Workers' Camp, Pioneer Industries! Revolutionary Struggle! May 1, 1949". Printed by Nesher, Tel Aviv. Designed by Yohanan Simon. Signed: "Ru-Yo".
50X70 cm. framed: 75X58 cm. Fair condition. Folding marks and creases. Tears to margins. Upper left corner lacking (damage to text). Tears restored with tape.
See: "Art in the Service of Ideology", page 64.
The design of Hashomer Hatzair posters was influenced by communist and socialist workers' union symbols as well as by Zionist symbols. The prominent colors of the posters are red, blue, white and black. The recurring images are the closed fist, the waving flag, factory chimneys, plowed fields and water towers, tools and weapons. These all express the vision of the movement: the establishment of a bi-national socialist state and an alliance between the workers of the cities and villages throughout Israel. Hashomer Hatzair posters were designed by artists, Kibbutz and movement members who stood at the helm of the movement's propaganda.