Auction 70 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art

Six Letters of Good Year Wishes - From Rabbi Aharon Kotler

Opening: $2,000
Six postcards, with brief letters handwritten and signed by R. Aharon Kotler. [Lakewood, Tishrei 1951-1958].
Blessings for "a good final sealing, for a year of life and peace, so blesses Aharon Kotler". Addressed to R. Avraham Yehoshua Twersky in Manhattan, New York.
R. Aharon Kotler (1892-1962), disciple of the Alter of Slabodka, and a prominent, outstanding Torah scholar. (While he was still a young student, the Or Same’ach predicted that he would be the "R. Akiva Eger" of the next generation). He was the son-in-law of R. Isser Zalman Meltzer. He served as lecturer and dean of the Slutsk yeshiva, and during WWI, he fled with the yeshiva students to Poland, reestablishing the yeshiva in Kletsk. He was one of the yeshiva deans closely associated with R. Chaim Ozer and the Chafetz Chaim. A founder of Vaad HaYeshivot and member of the Moetzet Gedolei HaTorah in Lithuania. During the Holocaust, he escaped to the United States, and established the famous Lakewood yeshiva in New Jersey (a yeshiva which changed the face of the yeshiva world in the United States, by inculcating its students with the passion and absolute devotion to Torah study, which was typical of Lithuanian yeshivot). He was one of the heads of the Moetzet Gedolei HaTorah in the United States, and of Chinuch HaAtzma’i in Eretz Israel.
6 postcards. Approx. 14X7.5-8.5 cm. Good condition.
Letters - Rabbis and Communities
Letters - Rabbis and Communities