Auction 30 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

"Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah" – Glosses by Rabbi Yehoshua Nathan Genesin Rabbi of Potchep – A leading Lubavitch Rabbi

Opening: $250
"Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah", with" Pitchei Teshuva". Two volumes. Vilnius, 1870.
Stamps of Rabbi "Yehoshua Nathan ben Uri Nissan Genesin – Rabbi of Potchep". Dozens of handwritten glosses, with frequent mention of the the Rebbe's opinion [From "Shulchan Aruch HaRav of Liadi", Rebbe Shneur Zalman].
Rabbi Yehoshua Nathan Genesin (1840-1921), a leading Lubavitch rabbi, headed the yeshiva in Starodub and from 1883 served as rabbi of Kritchev. Later moved to serve in the rabbinate of the Chassidic community of Potchep where he founded an important yeshiva. Most of the rabbis who taught in the "Tomchei Temimim" Yeshiva founded by the Rashab (Rabbi Shalom Dov Ber) were his disciples and he ordinated many Lubavitch rabbis for the rabbinate. See attached material.
Volume 1: Simanim 1-182. [8], 418 pp. Volume 2: Simanim 183-403. [2], [419] - 876 pp. Approximately 22 cm. Fair condition, stains, wear and tear. Some cutoff glosses. Non-original bindings.
Chabad – Books and Manuscripts
Chabad – Books and Manuscripts