Auction 51 Part I - Books Chassidism Manuscripts Rabbinical Letters

Shulchan Aruch, Choshen Mishpat - with Signatures and Glosses by the Kerem Shlomo and Rabbi Feiwel Plaut

Opening: $500
Shulchan Aruch Choshen Mishpat, Part One, Chapter 1-132. Vienna, 1801.
Leaf 5 bears the signature of Rabbi Shlomo Hass, and the title-page is signed by Rabbi Feiwel Plaut. [Additional Signatures of Rabbi Mordechai ben R' Zalman Knepelmacher].
Hundreds of glosses of varied lengths, [most of which were probably written by Rabbi Shlomo Hass; others are written by Rabbi Feiwel Plaut, disciple of the Chatam Sofer].
Rabbi Shlomo Hass, (d. 1847, Otzar Harabbanim 18411), Rabbi of Dreznitz, among the great halachic authorities of his generation - the generation of the Chatam Sofer and the K'tav Sofer, Rabbi Yehuda Asad and Rabbi Shlomo Kvech. His book Kerem Shlomo, on Orach Chaim, Yoreh De'ah and Even Ha'ezer, was printed in Pressburg between 1840-1845, with the approbation of the Chatam Sofer. Part of his book on Choshen Mishpat was printed from the manuscript in Jerusalem. (In the publishers' preface, they write that they assume that the Kerem Shlomo used the Shulchan Aruch printed in Vienna, 1761 - which indeed is his Shulchan Aruch which we have).
Rabbi Chizkiya Feiwel Plaut, Rabbi of Šurany (1818-1895) was born in Kalin. He was one of the foremost disciples of the Chatam Sofer. Author of "Likutei Chaver ben Chaim" - 11 parts, in which he cited much of his master's Torah. (See about him in "The Chatam Sofer and his Disciples", pages 132-135).
344 leaves, 37 cm. Elaborate edition on high-quality paper, good condition, tears on the title-page, stains. New binding with leather spine.
Handwritten Glosses
Handwritten Glosses