Auction 39 - Objects: Judaica, Israeliana, Numismatics and Medals

"Shiviti" Torah Ark Curtain – Europe-Jerusalem, 1839

Opening: $7,000
Embroidered Torah Ark curtain (Parochet), [1839].
Silk, velvet, gold threads and beads.
An architectural image, in rich embroidery, of the Ark of Testimony, Yakhin and Boaz columns and two Menorahs. In the center of this composition – a golden Ark with two cherubs embroidered in copper, silver and golden threads. In the center – a Torah Ark Curtain with the inscription: "Shiviti Hashem Lenegdi Tamid". A magnificent Torah crown above the Torah Ark curtain, adorned with beads.
On both sides of the ark are two massive, winding, columns adorned with grape vines. Two seven-branched Menorahs on both sides of the columns. The floor of the shrine is made of pink fabric and portrays a marble floor, in linear perspective. In the background –the sky with scattered golden stars. On the bottom borders a dedication: "in memory of a modest woman Frieda daughter of R' Meir…" (it is possible that the curtain was made in Europe and dedicated in memory of a deceased woman of Jerusalem). Trimmed with fringes.
Size: 190X200 cm. Good condition, tears and wear to fabric.
See: Sotheby's Important Judaica, 2010, Item no. 76 (photographed).